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Oswonder1977 - 10
Osmunda1967 - 6
Star Kingdom1946 - 1
Stardust (1937) - 16
Impromptu (1939) - 1
Red Cross1962 - 6
Pipe Of Peace (1954) - 22
Chantry Post (1952) - 6
High Credit1969 - 10
Corinto1963 - 21
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Mistress Gwynne (1955) - 21
Chant D'Or1960 - 10
Chantelsey (1953) - 14
Golden Javelin (1947) - 10
Kintarby1976 -
Kincardine O'Neill1970 - 9
Sing Sing1957 - 13
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Agin The Law (1946) - 13
Nanavati1954 - 9
Nearco (1935) - 4
Dodoma (1939) - 9
Eileena1960 -
Bold Buccaneer1949 - 22
Blue Peter (1936) - 20
Cap D'Or (1937) - 22
Persian Nymph1953 - 2
Persian Book (1943) - 8
Acceleration (1947) - 2
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