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Yutoi1917 - 8
Santoi1897 - 1
Queen's Birthday1887 - 11
Hagioscope (1878) - 23
Matilda (1880) - 11
Merry Wife1891 - 1
Merry Hampton (1884) - 22
Connie (1884) - 1
She1909 - 8
Cyllene1895 - 9
Bona Vista (1889) - 4
Arcadia (1887) - 9
Witty Girl1904 - 8
St Simon (1881) - 11
Bettywise (1894) - 8
Mademoiselle Mai1914 - 19
Oppressor1896 - 12
Gallinule1884 - 19
Isonomy (1875) - 19
Moorhen (1873) - 19
Moira1880 - 12
Victor (1859) - 3
Lady Jacob (1876) - 12
Ma Belle1905 - 19
Chevening1897 - 8
Orion (1888) - 13
Simena (1890) - 8
Ma Chere1887 - 19
Arbitrator (1874) - 27
The Widgeon (1878) - 19
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