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The Possible1890 - 12
Nordenfeldt1882 - 13
Musket1867 - 3
Toxophilite (1855) - 3
West Australian Mare (1857) - 3
Onyx1872 - 13
Angler (1862) - 2
Chrysolite (1860) - 13
Realisation1875 - 12
Vespasian1863 - 19
Newminster (1848) - 8
Vesta (1857) - 19
Hopeful Duchess1859 - 12
The Flying Dutchman (1846) - 3
Espoir (1841) - 12
Fair Nell1883 - 17
Apremont1878 - 3
Mortemer1865 - 1
Compiegne (1858) - 2
Comtesse (1855) - 1
Araucaria1862 - 3
Ambrose (1849) - 16
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Idalia1870 - 17
Cambuscan1861 - 19
The Arrow (1850) - 19
Dulcibella1857 - 17
Voltigeur (1847) - 2
Priestess (1846) - 17
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