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New Discovery1979 - 8
Arts And Letters1966 - 1
Ribot1952 - 4
Tenerani (1944) - 6
Romanella (1943) - 4
All Beautiful1959 - 1
Battlefield (1948) - 4
Parlo (1951) - 1
Synphonos1973 - 8
Le Fabuleux1961 - 13
Wild Risk (1940) - 3
Anguar (1950) - 13
Allie's Serenade1965 - 8
Royal Serenade (1948) - 10
Allie's Pal (1945) - 8
Celebrity Reign1981 - 12
Representative1974 - 2
Manihi1964 - 1
Matrice (1951) - 7
Beauteous (1959) - 1
Glen Maid1968 - 2
Niksar (1962) - 7
Magic Way (1963) - 2
Rainlady1971 -
Rain Lover1964 - 1
Latin Lover (1958) - 7
Rain Spot (1958) - 1
Judy Oma1962 -
Makarpura (1946) - 22
Hedeoma (1949) -
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