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Octopus1956 - 12
Johns Joy1946 - 9
Bull Dog1927 - 16
Teddy (1913) - 2
Plucky Liege (1912) - 16
My Auntie1933 - 9
Busy American (1919) - 4
Babe K (1924) - 9
Red Fleet1951 - 12
Count Fleet1940 - 6
Reigh Count (1925) - 2
Quickly (1930) - 6
Red Haze1939 - 12
Man O' War (1917) - 4
Golden Haze (1923) - 12
Miss Revoked1948 - 1
Revoked1943 - 10
Blue Larkspur1926 - 8
Black Servant (1918) - 8
Blossom Time (1920) - 8
Gala Belle1937 - 10
Sir Gallahad III (1920) - 16
Bel Tempo (1930) - 10
Whiskonia1934 - 1
Whiskalong1921 - 31
Whisk Broom II (1907) - 4
Lady Hamburg II (1908) - 31
Colonia1927 - 1
Stefan The Great (1916) - 2
Franconia (1922) - 1
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