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Hard Work1967 - 8
Golden Ruler1961 - 23
King Of The Tudors1950 - 19
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Glen Line (1942) - 19
Fulvous1950 - 23
Spy Song (1943) - 2
Fulmar (1941) - 23
Adds Up1960 - 8
Sub Fleet1949 - 2
Count Fleet (1940) - 6
Sub Rosa (1942) - 2
In Hopes1948 - 8
Sweep All (1928) - 10
Saran (1938) - 8
Denied Hope1962 - 8
Reneged1953 - 1
Revoked1943 - 10
Blue Larkspur (1926) - 8
Gala Belle (1937) - 10
White Samite1937 - 1
Gallant Fox (1927) - 4
Ommiad (1924) - 1
I Hope1954 - 8
Brookfield1942 - 19
Bimelech (1937) - 1
Knockaney Bridge (1919) - 19
Rosemain (8)1936 - 8
Hi-Jack (1927) - 2
Rosebloom (1932) - 8
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