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Marsyas1940 - 9
Trimdon1926 - 1
Son-In-Law1911 - 5
Dark Ronald (1905) - 9
Mother In Law (1906) - 5
Trimestral1914 - 1
William The Third (1898) - 2
Mistrella (1907) - 1
Astronomie1932 - 9
Asterus1923 - 9
Teddy (1913) - 2
Astrella (1912) - 9
Likka1925 - 9
Sardanapale (1911) - 16
Diane Mallory (1917) - 9
Liberation1941 - 20
Bahram1932 - 16
Blandford1919 - 3
Swynford (1907) - 1
Blanche (1912) - 3
Friar's Daughter1921 - 16
Friar Marcus (1912) - 20
Garron Lass (1917) - 16
Carissima1923 - 20
Clarissimus1913 - 2
Radium (1903) - 3
Quintessence (1900) - 2
Casquetts1913 - 20
Captivation (1902) - 2
Cassis (1896) - 20
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