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Strategic Image1998 - 1
Strategic1992 - 2
Zeditave1985 - 1
The Judge (1975) - 2
Summoned (1978) - 1
Sudden Impulse1980 - 2
Luskin Star (1974) - 2
Sweet Embrace (1964) - 2
Golden Snippets1989 - 1
Snippets1984 - 20
Lunchtime (1970) - 7
Easy Date (1977) - 20
Let Them Eat Pizza1984 - 1
Plugged Nickle (1977) - 3
Joans Paris (1968) - 1
Dented Ambition1999 - 7
Danasinga1991 - 8
Danehill1986 - 2
Danzig (1977) - 7
Razyana (1981) - 2
Princess Tracy1981 - 8
Ahonoora (1975) - 1
Princess Ru (1962) - 8
She's Cool1993 - 7
Spectacular Love1982 - 8
Spectacular Bid (1976) - 2
Gallamar (1967) - 8
Shivers1986 - 7
Half Iced (1979) - 13
Curio (1978) - 7
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