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Ben Battle1871 - 4
Rataplan1850 - 3
The Baron1842 - 24
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Echidna (1838) - 24
Pocahontas1837 - 3
Glencoe (1831) - 1
Marpessa (1830) - 3
Young Alice1865 - 4
Y Melbourne1855 - 25
Melbourne (1834) - 1
Clarissa (1846) - 25
Sweet Hawthorn1858 - 4-k
Sweetmeat (1842) - 21
Alice Hawthorn (1838) - 4-f
Miss Plant1886 - 2
Umpire1873 - 2
Tom King1863 - 23
King Tom (1851) - 3
Birdcatcher Mare (1850) - 23
Acceptance1861 - 2
Ambrose (1849) - 16
Noisette (1850) - 2
Cecropia1874 - 2
Cecrops1863 - 16
Newcourt (1840) - 35
Cavriana (1857) - 16
Bounce1868 - 2
Flatterer (1861) - 2
Bittern (1861) - 2
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