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Kuryakin1970 - 20
El Centauro1959 - 3
Sideral1948 - 2
Seductor (1943) - 4
Starling (1939) - 2
Planetaria1953 - 3
Penny Post (1945) - 9
Crescent (1946) - 3
Sharp1958 - 20
Tatan1952 - 10
The Yuvaraj (1943) - 19
Valkyrie (1943) - 10
Smart1950 - 20
Embrujo (1936) - 1
Snap (1943) - 20
Epiacaba1964 - 4
Major's Dilemma1956 - 25
Orbaneja1948 - 23
Goya (1934) - 9
Orienne (1943) - 23
Doctor's Dilemma1947 - 25
Pherozshah (1934) - 9
Killorcure (1934) - 25
Vila Sofia1950 - 4
Cartujo1940 - 1
Cocles (1926) - 1
Cristiana (1934) - 1
Gloria1942 - 4
Vergilius (1934) - 3
Vienne (1927) - 4
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