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Superlative1981 - 13
Nebbiolo1974 - 19
Yellow God1967 - 9
Red God (1954) - 8
Sally Deans (1947) - 9
Novara1965 - 19
Birkhahn (1945) - 1
Norbelle (1957) - 19
Clariden1966 - 13
Hook Money1951 - 1
Bernborough (1939) - 1
Besieged (1940) - 1
Matterhorn1961 - 13
Matador (1953) - 8
Priory Hill (1951) - 13
Red Rose Bowl1980 - 5
Dragonara Palace1971 - 31
Young Emperor1963 - 22
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Young Empress (1957) - 22
Ruby's Princess1962 - 31
Fidalgo (1956) - 9
Persian Ruby (1951) - 31
Loren1973 - 5
Crocket1960 - 1
King Of The Tudors (1950) - 19
Chandelier (1955) - 1
Gallissa1968 - 5
El Gallo (1959) - 2
Phoenissa (1951) - 5
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