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Ask Clarence1978 - 1
Buckpasser1963 - 1
Tom Fool1949 - 3
Menow (1935) - 8
Gaga (1942) - 3
Busanda1947 - 1
War Admiral (1934) - 11
Businesslike (1939) - 1
Stolen Base1967 - 1
Herbager1956 - 16
Vandale (1943) - 3
Flagette (1951) - 16
Bases Full1957 - 1
Ambiorix (1946) - 1
Striking (1947) - 1
Miss Concert1982 - 20
Concertino1974 - 14
Lyphard1969 - 17
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Goofed (1960) - 17
Isoline1962 - 14
Klairon (1952) - 1
Cremone (1957) - 14
Surprise D'Hermite1970 - 20
Kashmir II1963 - 9
Tudor Melody (1956) - 1
Queen Of Speed (1950) - 9
Sichah1958 - 20
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Kermauchah (1938) - 20
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