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Icelandic1975 - 6
Rarity1967 - 1
Hethersett1959 - 21
Hugh Lupus (1952) - 19
Bride Elect (1952) - 21
Who Can Tell1958 - 1
Worden II (1949) - 13
Javotte (1948) - 1
Arctic Walk1967 - 6
Arctic Slave1950 - 7
Arctic Star (1942) - 10
Roman Galley (1931) - 7
Walking High1962 - 6
Court Harwell (1954) - 14
Solitaire (1942) - 6
Tui Vaals1984 - NS
Bellissimo1971 - 16
Petingo1965 - 22
Petition (1944) - 16
Alcazar (1957) - 22
Belle De Retz1962 - 16
Gilles De Retz (1953) - 5
Abracadabra (1957) - 16
Te Arangi1969 - NS
Resurgent1950 - 10
The Phoenix (1940) - 16
Gainsborough Lass (1934) - 10
Revel Miss1957 - NS
Revelation (1932) - 1
Pavaals (1942) - NS
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