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Rapidity1874 - C1
Tim Whiffler1859 - 3
Van Galen1853 - 5
Van Tromp (1844) - 3
Little Cassino (1843) - 5
Sybil1851 - 3
The Ugly Buck (1841) - 4
Sylph (1832) - 3
Fly1858 - C1
Erebus18?? - 10
Jersey (1839) - 1
Lady Villiers (183?) - 10
Lady Hamilton1852 - C1
Conrad (1843) - 15
() -
Eugenie1872 - 19
Thormanby1857 - 4
Windhound1847 - 3
Pantaloon (1824) - 17
Phryne (1840) - 3
Alice Hawthorn1838 - 4-f
Muley Moloch (1830) - 9
Rebecca (1831) - 4
Parisienne1867 - 19
The Nabob1849 - 12
The Nob (1838) - 1
Hester (1832) - 12
Partlet1849 - 19
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Gipsy (1832) - 19
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