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Hermis1899 - A2
Hermence1888 - 4
Isonomy1875 - 19
Sterling (1868) - 12
Isola Bella (1868) - 19
Thebais1878 - 4
Hermit (1864) - 5
Devotion (1869) - 4
Katy Of The West1895 - A2
Spendthrift1876 - A3
Australian (1858) - 11
Aerolite (1861) - A3
Perdita1886 - A2
Prince Charlie (1869) - 12
Persia (1875) - A2
Louli1904 - 5
Flying Fox1896 - 7
Orme1889 - 11
Ormonde (1883) - 16
Angelica (1879) - 11
Vampire1889 - 7
Galopin (1872) - 3
Irony (1881) - 7
Fanny1888 - 5
Frivola1877 - 5
George Frederick (1871) - 13
Madame Eglentine (1857) - 5
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