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Pamphilos1941 - 6
Panorama1936 - 1
Sir Cosmo1926 - 6
The Boss (1910) - 24
Ayn Hali (1913) - 6
Happy Climax1921 - 1
Happy Warrior (1911) - 22
Clio (1913) - 1
Blossom1935 - 6
Old Rowley1921 - 16
The Tetrarch (1911) - 2
Ayrslave (1910) - 16
Almond1915 - 6
Lomond (1909) - 16
Santoi Mare (1907) - 6
Calling Wind1943 - 1
Law Maker1931 - 1
Phalaris1913 - 1
Polymelus (1902) - 3
Bromus (1905) - 1
Book Law1924 - 1
Buchan (1916) - 16
Popingaol (1913) - 1
Miss Wiltshire1929 - 1
Devizes1917 - 14
Valens (1906) - 9
Deslioni (1910) - 14
Chersonese1915 - 1
Cylgad (1909) - 22
Chelandry (1894) - 1
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