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Beldale Lear1981 - 3
Majestic Light1973 - 8
Majestic Prince1966 - 4
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Gay Hostess (1957) - 4
Irradiate1966 - 8
Ribot (1952) - 4
High Voltage (1952) - 8
Solabar's Finale1974 - 3
Funny Fellow1965 - 8
The Irishman (1956) - 8
Foolish One (1957) - 8
Solabar1960 - 3
Bar Le Duc (1953) - 4
Solita (1939) - 3
My Binnie1972 - 1
My Call1960 - 14
Summertime1946 - 1
Precipitation (1933) - 2
Great Truth (1937) - 1
Often1955 - 14
Royal Chief (1934) - 4
Secret Flight (1937) - 14
Gala Dee1962 - 1
Castle Donnington1949 - 2
Nearco (1935) - 4
Creel (1943) - 2
Gold Query1953 - 1
Rolled Gold (1947) - 2
Query (1947) - 1
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