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Bacteriophage1929 - 25
Tetratema1917 - 14
The Tetrarch1911 - 2
Roi Herode (1904) - 1
Vahren (1897) - 2
Scotch Gift1907 - 14
Symington (1893) - 20
Maund (1898) - 14
Pharmacie1918 - 25
Charles O'Malley1907 - 5
Desmond (1896) - 16
Goody Two Shoes (1899) - 5
Prescription1912 - 25
Dinneford (1902) - 21
M S (1903) - 25
Eponge1929 - 1
Cadum1921 - 16
Sans Souci II1904 - 3
Le Roi Soleil (1895) - 5
Sanctimony (1896) - 3
Spring Cleaning1915 - 16
Neil Gow (1907) - 1
Spring Night (1907) - 16
Sea Moss1917 - 1
William The Third1898 - 2
St Simon (1881) - 11
Gravity (1884) - 2
Seadune1908 - 1
Ayrshire (1885) - 8
Seadown (1896) - 1
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