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Porterhouse1951 - 1
Endeavour II1942 - 8
British Empire1937 - 3
Colombo (1931) - 11
Rose Of England (1927) - 3
Himalaya1931 - 8
Hunter's Moon (1926) - 6
Partenope (1916) - 8
Red Stamp1943 - 1
Bimelech1937 - 1
Black Toney (1911) - 10
La Troienne (1926) - 1
Peggy Porter1934 - 1
The Porter (1915) - 14
Pretty Peggy (1918) - 1
Bully Babe1945 - 9
Bull Dog1927 - 16
Teddy1913 - 2
Ajax (1901) - 2
Rondeau (1900) - 2
Plucky Liege1912 - 16
Spearmint (1903) - 1
Concertina (1896) - 16
Fair Perdita1932 - 9
Eternal1916 - 8
Sweep (1907) - 8
Hazel Burke (1908) - 8
Lady Wave1921 - 9
Blink (1915) - 1
Sandlemac (1913) - 9
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