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Scherzo1921 - 2
The Boss1910 - 24
Orby1904 - 26
Orme (1889) - 11
Rhoda B (1895) - 26
Southern Cross1897 - 24
Meteor (1880) - 1
Resplendent (1891) - 24
Musical Ride1899 - 2
Galopin1872 - 3
Vedette (1854) - 19
Flying Duchess (1853) - 3
Listen1886 - 2
Charibert (1876) - 1
Re-Echo (1879) - 2
Legality1925 - 7
Noblesse Oblige1919 - 14
The Tetrarch1911 - 2
Roi Herode (1904) - 1
Vahren (1897) - 2
Honora1907 - 14
Gallinule (1884) - 19
Word Of Honour (1892) - 14
Permissible1919 - 7
Myram1904 - 5
Flying Fox (1896) - 7
Airs And Graces (1895) - 5
Perishable1908 - 7
Isinglass (1890) - 3
Periwinkle (1900) - 7
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