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Bionic Light1982 - 4
Majestic Light1973 - 8
Majestic Prince1966 - 4
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Gay Hostess (1957) - 4
Irradiate1966 - 8
Ribot (1952) - 4
High Voltage (1952) - 8
Bionic Babe1975 - 4
Best Turn1966 - 23
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Sweet Clementine (1960) - 23
First Sitting1958 - 4
Greek Song (1947) - 9
Place Card (1949) - 4
Save My Soul1983 - 4
I'ma Hell Raiser1977 - 5
Raise A Native1961 - 8
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Raise You (1946) - 8
I'm For Mama1967 - 5
I'm For More (1959) - 9
Mama's Silver (1963) - 5
Somethingexciting1978 - 4
Shecky Greene1970 - 13
Noholme II (1956) - 1
Lester's Pride (1957) - 13
Queen Of Dakota1968 - 4
Disguised (1955) - 1
Culebra Road (1960) - 4
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