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Euclase1987 - 4
Century1969 - 20
Better Boy1951 - 2
My Babu (1945) - 1
Better So (1944) - 2
Royal Suite1960 - 20
Rego (1949) - 5
Baraganda (1948) - 20
Ruby1977 - 4
Seventh Hussar1966 - 14
Queen's Hussar (1960) - 19
Ann Boleyn (1960) - 14
Briar's Toddy1971 - 4
Todman (1954) - 1
St Auriga (1958) - 4
Fortuity1979 - 2
Brave Lad1970 - 2
Bold Lad1964 - 2
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Barn Pride (1957) - 2
Social Bee1964 - 2
Galivanter (1956) - 4
Bee-Hive (1955) - 2
Naecatch1972 - 2
Catchpole1959 - 4
King Of The Tudors (1950) - 19
Catchmay (1951) - 4
Naelass1954 - 2
Kaa (1945) - 2
Naejohn (1942) - 2
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