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Sunday Silence1986 - 3
Halo1969 - 2
Hail To Reason1958 - 4
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Nothirdchance (1948) - 4
Cosmah1953 - 2
Cosmic Bomb (1944) - 14
Almahmoud (1947) - 2
Wishing Well1975 - 3
Understanding1963 - 1
Promised Land (1954) - 14
Pretty Ways (1953) - 1
Mountain Flower1964 - 3
Montparnasse II (1956) - 19
Edelweiss (1959) - 3
Ballet Queen1988 - 1
Sadler's Wells1981 - 5
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Fairy Bridge1975 - 5
Bold Reason (1968) - 19
Special (1969) - 5
Sun Princess1980 - 1
English Prince1971 - 1
Petingo (1965) - 22
English Miss (1955) - 1
Sunny Valley1972 - 1
Val De Loir (1959) - 5
Sunland (1965) - 1
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