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Big Blaze1921 - 4
Campfire1914 - 1
Olambala1906 - 21
Ornus (1891) - 9
Blue And White (1887) - 21
Nightfall1908 - 1
Voter (1894) - 1
Sundown (1887) - 1
Queen Of Hills1903 - 4
Knight Of The Thistle1893 - 5
Rosebery (1872) - 22
The Empress Maud (1881) - 5
Clairette1895 - 4
Candlemas (1883) - 22
Intrepid (1887) - 4
Mexican Tea1921 - 12
Tea Caddy1913 - 9
Rock Sand1900 - 4
Sainfoin (1887) - 2
Roquebrune (1893) - 4
Tea's Over1893 - 9
Hanover (1884) - 15
Tea Rose (1884) - 9
Mexilow1911 - 12
Mexican1900 - 11
Mirthful (1895) - 5
Llandrinio (1882) - 11
Nina Louise1894 - 12
Onondaga (1879) - 12
Bessie Hinkley (1883) - 12
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