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Howe1943 - 8
Defoe1926 - 3
Hurry On1913 - 2
Marcovil (1903) - 12
Tout Suite (1904) - 2
Daughter-In-Law1920 - 3
Son-In-Law (1911) - 5
Clerical Error (1913) - 3
Malmsey1923 - 8
Clarenceux1907 - 4
King's Messenger (1895) - 19
Squint II (1897) - 4
Charmilla1911 - 8
Charlemagne II (1904) - 8
Armilla (1893) - 8
Lady Marshall1947 - 2
Marshall Hall1937 - 7
Hall Mark1930 - 2
Heroic (1921) - 1
Herowinkie (1924) - 2
Legality1925 - 7
Noblesse Oblige (1919) - 14
Permissible (1919) - 7
Charmaine1927 - 2
Some Boy II1913 - 5
Cyrus (1902) - 19
The Tart (1901) - 5
Fairform1919 - 2
Boniform (1904) - 1
Satisfaire (1903) - 2
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