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The Pug1977 - 5
Mummy's Pet1968 - 1
Sing Sing1957 - 13
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Agin The Law (1946) - 13
Money For Nothing1962 - 1
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Sweet Nothings (1952) - 1
Veronique1961 - 5
Matador1953 - 8
Golden Cloud (1941) - 22
Spanish Galantry (1945) - 8
Narcisse1949 - 5
Niccolo Dell'arca (1938) - 4
Asphodele (1942) - 5
Bestaburgh1982 -
Dryburgh1971 - 2
Showdown1961 - 6
Infatuation (1951) - 16
Zanzara (1951) - 6
Bellition1962 - 2
Bellborough (1954) - 21
Addition (1946) - 2
Mural Crown1975 - 22
Sica Dan1966 - 6
Sica Boy (1951) - 19
Scarlet Plume (1956) - 8
Tango Princess1965 - 22
Prince Poppa (1959) - 26
Belle Tango (1954) - 22
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