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Naaqoos2006 - 11
Oasis Dream2000 - 19
Green Desert1983 - A4
Danzig (1977) - 7
Foreign Courier (1979) - A4
Hope1991 - 19
Dancing Brave (1983) - 3
Bahamian (1985) - 19
Straight Lass1998 - 11
Machiavellian1987 - 2
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Coup De Folie (1982) - 2
Gay Hellene1982 - 11
Ela-Mana-Mou (1976) - 3
Gaily (1971) - 11
Boa Vinda2008 - 13
High Yield1997 - 2
Storm Cat1983 - 8
Storm Bird (1978) - 4
Terlingua (1976) - 8
Scoop The Gold1990 - 2
Forty Niner (1985) - 1
Leap Lively (1978) - 2
Baracoa1999 - 13
Llandaff1990 - 13
Lyphard (1969) - 17
Dahlia (1970) - 13
Bestow1987 - 13
Shirley Heights (1975) - 1
Clandestina (1978) - 13
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