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Bounding Over1959 - 1
Through Bound1940 - 4
Out Bound1928 - 17
Luke McLuke (1911) - 2
In Bounds (1923) - 17
Informal1931 - 4
Infinite (1921) - 5
Nellie Kelly (1921) - 4
Bubble Lil1938 - 1
Bubbling Over1923 - 8
North Star III (1914) - 4
Beaming Beauty (1917) - 8
Lillums1927 - 1
Negofol (1906) - 17
Helen Marie (1913) - 1
Miss Sammie Lee1960 - 4
Ever Black1948 - 4
Friar Dolan1929 - 13
Knight Of The Garter (1921) - 4
La Neuvaine (1921) - 13
Little Hawk1939 - 4
Multorb (1928) - 7
Lupescu (1929) - 4
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