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Taros1971 - 21
Tudor Melody1956 - 1
Tudor Minstrel1944 - 9
Owen Tudor (1938) - 10
Sansonnet (1933) - 9
Matelda1947 - 1
Dante (1942) - 3
Fairly Hot (1939) - 1
Saraca1966 - 21
Shantung1956 - 8
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Barley Corn (1950) - 8
Hevea1961 - 21
Herbager (1956) - 16
Princesse Reine (1954) - 21
Extravaganza1961 - 2
Gala Performance1950 - 15
Stardust1937 - 16
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Sister Stella (1923) - 16
Extravagance1940 - 15
Bahram (1932) - 16
Spend A Penny (1931) - 15
Heldeux1948 - 2
Helios1937 - 20
Foxy Gal (1928) - 20
Helianthe1939 - 2
Hellespont (1933) - 4
Flower Of Egypt (1931) - 2
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