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Graustark1963 - 4
Ribot1952 - 4
Tenerani1944 - 6
Bellini (1937) - 2
Tofanella (1931) - 6
Romanella1943 - 4
El Greco (1934) - 14
Barbara Burrini (1937) - 4
Flower Bowl1952 - 4
Alibhai1938 - 6
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Teresina (1920) - 6
Flower Bed1946 - 4
Beau Pere (1927) - 3
Boudoir II (1938) - 4
In The Clouds1958 - 5
Double Jay1944 - 14
Balladier1932 - 3
Black Toney (1911) - 10
Blue Warbler (1922) - 3
Broomshot1926 - 14
Whisk Broom II (1907) - 4
Centre Shot (1905) - 14
Misty Morn1952 - 5
Princequillo1940 - 1
Prince Rose (1928) - 10
Cosquilla (1933) - 1
Grey Flight1945 - 5
Mahmoud (1933) - 9
Planetoid (1934) - 5
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