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Green God1968 - 22
Red God1954 - 8
Nasrullah1940 - 9
Nearco (1935) - 4
Mumtaz Begum (1932) - 9
Spring Run1948 - 8
Menow (1935) - 8
Boola Brook (1937) - 8
Thetis1957 - 22
Guersant1949 - 14
Bubbles (1925) - 16
Montagnana (1937) - 14
Three Rock1943 - 22
His Highness (1936) - 2
Mabrouka (1938) - 22
Eskinoussa1971 - 7
Be Friendly1964 - 5
Skymaster1958 - 2
Golden Cloud (1941) - 22
Discipliner (1948) - 2
Lady Sliptic1954 - 5
Preciptic (1942) - 2
Persian Slipper (1939) - 5
Poste Restante1954 - 7
Tantieme1947 - 20
Deux Pour Cent (1941) - 11
Terka (1942) - 20
Postscript1943 - 7
Solario (1922) - 26
Postmark (1923) - 7
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