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Grand Series1977 - 11
Grand Chaudiere1968 - 19
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Lachine1960 - 19
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Loved One (1947) - 19
Little Warning1963 - 11
Tudor Warning1958 - 7
King Of The Tudors (1950) - 19
Warning Light (1949) - 7
Young Hopeful1947 - 11
Marconigram (1925) - 1
Gaterina (1929) - 11
Boogie Magic1981 -
Boogie Woogie1973 - 5
Royal Rocket1965 - 13
Sovereign Path (1956) - 4
Farandole II (1947) - 13
Grab1962 - 5
Avebury (1957) - 19
Coal (1953) - 5
Magic Air1964 -
Magic Carpet1951 - NZ
Pherozshah (1934) - 9
Eastern Charm (1943) - NZ
Direct Passage1949 - 2
Airway (1937) - 3
Falsgrave (1933) - 2
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