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Graf Isolani1926 - 9
Graf Ferry1918 - 11
Fervor1906 - 16
Galtee More (1894) - 5
Festa (1893) - 16
Grave And Gay1899 - 11
Henry Of Navarre (1891) - 20
Mount Vernon (1889) - 11
Isabella1919 - 9
Majestic1910 - 16
William The Third (1898) - 2
Masha (1896) - 16
Isolde1910 - 9
Saphir (1894) - 16
Ibidem (1903) - 9
Forsythia1931 - 9
Ferro1923 - 5
Landgraf1914 - 27
Louviers (1906) - 1
Ladora (1902) - 27
Frauenlob1915 - 5
Caius (1900) - 19
Farandole (1902) - 5
Formosa1919 - 9
Dark Ronald1905 - 9
Bay Ronald (1893) - 3
Darkie (1889) - 9
Fama1900 - 9
Saraband (1883) - 14
Alveole (1889) - 9
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