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Body Check1983 - 4
Vice Regent1967 - 10
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Victoria Regina1958 - 10
Menetrier (1944) - 15
Victoriana (1952) - 10
Bude1978 - 4
Cornish Prince1962 - 1
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Teleran (1954) - 1
Mostly1969 - 4
Grey Dawn II (1962) - 16
Rare Relish (1963) - 4
Our Eureka Gold1984 - 29
Sovereign Red1977 - 7
Sir Tristram1971 - 6
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Isolt (1961) - 6
Taiona1972 - 7
Sovereign Edition (1962) - 13
Vickyjoy (1965) - 7
Purple And Gold1969 - 29
Orgoglio1949 - 23
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Orienne (1943) - 23
Peace Trail1961 - 29
Pipe Of Peace (1954) - 22
Irex (1940) - 29
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