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Pins1996 - 16
Snippets1984 - 20
Lunchtime1970 - 7
Silly Season (1962) - 1
Great Occasion (1965) - 7
Easy Date1977 - 20
Grand Chaudiere (1968) - 19
Scampering (1970) - 20
No Finer1979 - 16
Kaoru Star1965 - 31
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Kaoru (1955) - 31
Humour1962 - 16
Pirate King (1953) - 21
Real Delight (1951) - 16
Flight To Fortune1989 - 13
Random Chance1982 - 5
Three Legs1972 - 13
Petingo (1965) - 22
Teodora (1963) - 13
Libby1976 - 5
Sobig (1961) - 1
Repudiate (1961) - 5
Personality Flight1977 - 13
Noble Bijou1971 - 1
Vaguely Noble (1965) - 1
Priceless Gem (1963) - 1
Ayre Flight1967 - 13
Ayrshire Bard (1958) - 1
Super Flight (1944) - 13
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