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Cryptoclearance1984 - 4
Fappiano1977 - 16
Mr Prospector1970 - 13
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Gold Digger (1962) - 13
Killaloe1970 - 16
Dr Fager (1964) - 1
Grand Splendor (1962) - 16
Naval Orange1975 - 4
Hoist The Flag1968 - 5
Tom Rolfe (1962) - 9
Wavy Navy (1954) - 5
Mock Orange1959 - 4
Dedicate (1952) - 23
Alablue (1945) - 4
Pompoes1977 - 3
Belmont1967 - 16
Cambremont1962 - 1
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Djebellica (1948) - 1
Belle De Retz1962 - 16
Gilles De Retz (1953) - 5
Abracadabra (1957) - 16
Wilhelmina1970 - 3
Pall Mall1955 - 7
Palestine (1947) - 3
Malapert (1946) - 7
Ziba1960 - 3
The Phoenix (1940) - 16
Pretty Half (1953) - 3
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