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Iron Warrior1967 - 2
Native Dancer1950 - 5
Polynesian1942 - 14
Unbreakable (1935) - 4
Black Polly (1936) - 14
Geisha1943 - 5
Discovery (1931) - 23
Miyako (1935) - 5
Home Port1956 - 2
Count Fleet1940 - 6
Reigh Count (1925) - 2
Quickly (1930) - 6
Home-Made1950 - 2
Occupy (1941) - 23
Plucky Maid (1943) - 2
Presume1960 - 16
Swoon's Son1953 - 12
The Doge1942 - 9
Bull Dog (1927) - 16
My Auntie (1933) - 9
Swoon1942 - 12
Sweep Like (1931) - 19
Sadie Greenock (1933) - 12
Expectant1950 - 16
Four Freedoms1940 - 2
Peace Chance (1931) - 10
Nea Lap (1927) - 2
Bel Dell1942 - 16
Bel Aethel (1933) - 16
Disornate (1938) - 16
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