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Circular Quay2004 - 1
Thunder Gulch1992 - 11
Gulch1984 - A4
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Jameela (1976) - A4
Line Of Thunder1987 - 11
Storm Bird (1978) - 4
Shoot A Line (1977) - 11
Circle Of Life1997 - 1
Belong To Me1989 - 1
Danzig (1977) - 7
Belonging (1979) - 1
Concentric1991 - 1
Shadeed (1982) - 1
Magic Circle (1981) - 1
Folk Art2001 - 5
Bertrando1989 - 4
Skywalker1982 - 2
Relaunch (1976) - 3
Bold Captive (1971) - 2
Gentle Hands1979 - 4
Buffalo Lark (1970) - 16
Three Red Bells (1969) - 4
Squan Song1981 - 5
Exceller1973 - 21
Vaguely Noble (1965) - 1
Too Bald (1964) - 21
Foreign Missile1973 - 5
Damascus (1964) - 8
Queen Of The Sky (1967) - 5
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