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Fine Grain2003 - 14
Fuji Kiseki1992 - 22
Sunday Silence1986 - 3
Halo (1969) - 2
Wishing Well (1975) - 3
Millracer1983 - 22
Le Fabuleux (1961) - 13
Marston's Mill (1975) - 22
Mill Grain1997 - 14
Polish Precedent1986 - 8
Danzig (1977) - 7
Past Example (1976) - 8
Mill Line1985 - 14
Mill Reef (1968) - 22
Quay Line (1976) - 14
Folle Tempete1993 - 1
Fabulous Dancer1976 - 2
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Last Of The Line1967 - 2
The Axe II (1958) - 1
Bryonia (1959) - 2
Belle Tempete1986 - 1
Lovely Dancer1980 - 7
Green Dancer (1972) - 16
Janthina (1972) - 7
La Rafale1979 - 1
Pharly (1974) - 9
Les Heures Claires (1967) - 1
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