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Athos I1885 - 19
Zut1876 - 17
Flageolet1870 - 6
Plutus (1863) - 15
La Favorite (1863) - 6
Regalia1862 - 17
Stockwell (1849) - 3
The Gem (1851) - 17
Athalie1881 - 19
Caterer1859 - 7
Selina (1851) - 7
Stella1868 - 19
West Australian (1850) - 7
Mon Etoile (1857) - 19
Nogoya1886 - 3
Victor Emanuel1877 - 42
Albert Victor1868 - 13
Marsyas (1851) - 12
The Princess Of Wales (1862) - 13
Time Test1868 - 42
Saunterer (1854) - 27
Tested (1849) - 42
Soham Lass1879 - 3
Salvator1872 - 13
Dollar (1860) - 1
Sauvagine (1857) - 13
Tangerine1873 - 3
Lecturer (1863) - 2
Tomato (1861) - 3
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