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Massacre1977 - 8
Seventh Hussar1966 - 14
Queen's Hussar1960 - 19
March Past (1950) - 8
Jojo (1950) - 19
Ann Boleyn1960 - 14
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Game Of Chance (1947) - 14
Coeur Rouge1970 - 8
Coeur Volant1957 - 9
Palestine (1947) - 3
Diableretta (1947) - 9
Crimson Spray1966 - 8
Red Gauntlet (1957) - 1
Anemone (1961) - 8
Little Cheetah1979 - 4
One Pound Sterling1972 - 1
Sovereign Path1956 - 4
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Mountain Path (1948) - 4
Doris White1966 - 1
Black Beard (1959) - 1
My Alison (1954) - 1
Fern Maiden1969 - 4
High Rank1956 - 3
Hill Gail (1949) - 11
Golden Coach (1943) - 3
Ferntree1950 - 4
Triumvir (1940) - 5
Maiden Fern (1932) - 4
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