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Rigoletto1984 - 22
Bletchingly1970 - 7
Biscay1965 - 2
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Magic Symbol (1956) - 2
Coogee1959 - 7
Relic (1945) - 8
Last Judgement (1948) - 7
Verdi1977 - 22
Showdown1961 - 6
Infatuation (1951) - 16
Zanzara (1951) - 6
Hot Rhythm1967 - 22
Sostenuto (1958) - 2
Star Of Peace (1959) - 22
Rebel Fire1981 - 13
Rangong1965 - 16
Right Royal1958 - 3
Owen Tudor (1938) - 10
Bastia (1951) - 3
Crepina1956 - 16
Pinza (1950) - 3
Crepuscule (1948) - 16
Dixie Belle1967 - 13
Test Case1958 - 9
Supreme Court (1948) - 14
Tessa Gillian (1950) - 9
Dixie Girl1958 - 13
Marco Polo II (1946) - 1
Dixie (1946) - 13
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