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Songandaprayer1998 - 12
Unbridled's Song1993 - 4
Unbridled1987 - 1
Fappiano (1977) - 16
Gana Facil (1981) - 1
Trolley Song1983 - 4
Caro (1967) - 3
Lucky Spell (1971) - 4
Alizea1988 - 12
Premiership1980 - 1
Exclusive Native (1965) - 10
Reminiscing (1974) - 1
Fancy Medallion1984 - 12
Well Decorated (1978) - 9
Attache Case (1970) - 12
Song Of Africa1993 - 1
Alzao1980 - 9
Lyphard1969 - 17
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Goofed (1960) - 17
Lady Rebecca1971 - 9
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Pocahontas (1955) - 9
Intensive1979 - 1
Sir Wiggle1967 - 10
Sadair (1962) - 4
Wiggle II (1955) - 10
Flying Legs1966 - 1
Palestine (1947) - 3
Alona (1954) - 1
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