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Birikan1939 - 14
Bahram1932 - 16
Blandford1919 - 3
Swynford (1907) - 1
Blanche (1912) - 3
Friar's Daughter1921 - 16
Friar Marcus (1912) - 20
Garron Lass (1917) - 16
Carola1928 - 14
Tetratema1917 - 14
The Tetrarch (1911) - 2
Scotch Gift (1907) - 14
Arme Blanche1916 - 14
The White Knight (1903) - 21
Rasplata (1908) - 14
Goldena Raleigh1940 - 19
Sir Walter Raleigh1928 - 21
Prince Galahad1917 - A13
Prince Palatine (1908) - 1
Decagone (1911) - A13
Smoke Lass1921 - 21
Black Jester (1911) - 1
Simon Lass (1909) - 21
Golden Bird1922 - 19
The Boss1910 - 24
Orby (1904) - 26
Southern Cross (1897) - 24
Golden Hen1901 - 19
Chevele D'Or (1893) - 4
Hazlehen (1892) - 19
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