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Kaoru Coup1974 - 2
Kaoru Star1965 - 31
Star Kingdom1946 - 1
Stardust (1937) - 16
Impromptu (1939) - 1
Kaoru1955 - 31
Emperor (1947) - 20
Pantomime (1946) - 31
Heather Lass1967 - 2
Renegade1956 - 12
Court Martial (1942) - 1
Alkapuri (1946) - 12
Embraceable1949 - 2
Empyrean (1944) - 2
Lovable (1935) - 2
Maceil1978 -
Osmunda1967 - 6
Red Cross1962 - 6
Pipe Of Peace (1954) - 22
Chantry Post (1952) - 6
Joyous Heart1975 -
Lucky Monkey1969 - 10
Le Levanstell (1957) - 7
Dialectic (1962) - 10
Mayfair Belle1954 - 31
Brueghel (1932) - 22
Magnificent Lady (1946) - 31
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