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Time Thief2005 - AU
Redoute's Choice1996 - 8
Danehill1986 - 2
Danzig (1977) - 7
Razyana (1981) - 2
Shantha's Choice1992 - 8
Canny Lad (1987) - 14
Dancing Show (1983) - 8
Procrastinate1990 - AU
Jade Hunter1984 - 22
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Jadana (1979) - 22
Reigntaine1983 - AU
Century (1969) - 20
Rainbeam (1973) - AU
Snow Queen2004 - 4
Snowland1999 - 13
Snippets1984 - 20
Lunchtime (1970) - 7
Easy Date (1977) - 20
Snowdrift1994 - 13
Polish Precedent (1986) - 8
Snowtop (1983) - 13
Grand Performance1996 - 4
Palace Music1981 - 13
The Minstrel (1974) - 8
Come My Prince (1972) - 13
Bourgeois1991 - 4
Luskin Star (1974) - 2
Brave New World (1980) - 4
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