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Wonder Lark1977 - 4
Verbatim1965 - 10
Speak John1958 - 1
Prince John (1953) - 14
Nuit De Folies (1947) - 1
Well Kept1958 - 10
Never Say Die (1951) - 1
Bed O' Roses II (1950) - 10
La Koorahj1967 - 4
T V Lark1957 - 9
Indian Hemp (1949) - 14
Miss Larksfly (1948) - 9
Maraja1955 - 4
First Fiddle (1939) - A1
Lady's Delight (1948) - 4
Mother Hilda1975 - 4
Mr Washington1964 - 4
Swoon's Son1953 - 12
The Doge (1942) - 9
Swoon (1942) - 12
Bent Twig1959 - 4
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Pines Of Rome (1949) - 4
Sister Geraldine1965 - 4
Hail To Reason1958 - 4
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Nothirdchance (1948) - 4
Sister Antoine1957 - 4
Royal Serenade (1948) - 10
Our Patrice (1947) - 4
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