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Blinkhoolie1864 - 10
Rataplan1850 - 3
The Baron1842 - 24
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Echidna (1838) - 24
Pocahontas1837 - 3
Glencoe (1831) - 1
Marpessa (1830) - 3
Queen Mary1843 - 10-a
Gladiator1833 - 22
Partisan (1811) - 1
Pauline (1826) - 22
Plenipotentiary Mare1840 - 10
Plenipotentiary (1831) - 6
Myrrha (1830) - 10
Sloth1858 - 13
Idle Boy1837 - 5
Satan1830 - 12
Lottery (1820) - 11
Dairymaid (1825) - 12
Rachel1823 - 5
Amadis (1807) - 5
Don Cossack Mare (1817) - 5
Calot1849 - 13
Touchstone1831 - 14
Camel (1822) - 24
Banter (1826) - 14-a
Gipsy Queen1840 - 13
Tomboy (1829) - 8
Lady Moore Carew (1830) - 13
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