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Last Tycoon1983 - 8
Try My Best1975 - 8
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Sex Appeal1970 - 8
Buckpasser (1963) - 1
Best In Show (1965) - 8
Mill Princess1977 - 8
Mill Reef1968 - 22
Never Bend (1960) - 19
Milan Mill (1962) - 22
Irish Lass1962 - 8
Sayajirao (1944) - 3
Scollata (1952) - 8
Rained Off1983 - 9
Welsh Pageant1966 - 1
Tudor Melody1956 - 1
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Matelda (1947) - 1
Picture Light1954 - 1
Court Martial (1942) - 1
Queen Of Light (1949) - 1
Shorthouse1975 - 9
Habitat1966 - 4
Sir Gaylord (1959) - 2
Little Hut (1952) - 4
Guillotina1969 - 9
Busted (1963) - 2
Tina II (1957) - 9
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