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Trocadero1967 - 1
Drum Beat1953 - 1
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Lady Juror (1919) - 9
Respite1941 - 1
Flag Of Truce (1934) - 10
Orama (1932) - 1
Rhine Valley1959 - 1
Royal Pardon1949 - 1
Court Martial (1942) - 1
Queen's Pleasure (1942) - 1
Sweet Wine1949 - 1
On Avon (1935) - 14
Alicante (1936) - 1
Hautecombe1969 - 9
Hauban1963 - 3
Sicambre1948 - 7
Prince Bio (1941) - 1
Sif (1936) - 7
Hygie1953 - 3
Sunny Boy (1944) - 16
Hymenee (1942) - 3
Princesse Commene1961 - 9
Beau Prince II1952 - 1
Prince Chevalier (1943) - 9
Isabelle Brand (1943) - 1
Commemoration1953 - 9
Vandale (1943) - 3
Anne Comnene (1942) - 9
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